dimanche 11 novembre 2007

Hi! new post...
Next week, I have to present a thesis topic in front of my lab's members, so I had no time to develop....
However, since my interface is becoming "mature", I thought about next step.

I bought a servomotor from bioloid, I'm waiting for it now. I bought it because I wanna know what is possible to do with such a motor.
I also went to akihabara, to buy an AVR programmer, because I want to start the electronic part of the project (about sensors...).
Akihabara is a very good place, i spent about 1 hour before finding a good shop.
Moreover, it is not very expensive, maybe thanks to low taxes...(?)
I bought an AtMega32, with MAX232 to communicate with a computer.
This is mainly to make experiments with AVR. I already tried to program PIC, and I can say it is quite easier with AVR family. I use AVR-GCC to program in C, because I have no time to learn assembler language...
In 2 hours, i succeeded to set up every thing, and to load and execute a code (switching a led on and off...).
Next step is to communicate with my laptop by RS232 port. I hope it will be easy.
Oh! Since I had no power supply, i use a USB port to get the 5v. It can work because the consumption of AVR is very low...
So, next time, RS232!

I also thought about a global architecture for sensors, motors, ...
But this is for the next post^^

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

What's the subject of your thesis?
What you want to do seems interesting.
Personaly speaking, I prefer assembly language to C. It's easier.

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