mercredi 5 décembre 2007

Here is the interface, I try to show what I did...I am still programming, its not finished, this is why there are some could be called a pre-alpha version^^

Sorry for the princes of the Universe, but I'm too lazy to get another shot...^^
Today, I'm going to explain how my interface is programmed...
Or, at least, how the "mouvement" frame is programmed....
I created 1 class Project, 1 class sequence, 1 class position.
The class project has a field sequence[], and each sequence has a field position[].
I can add, remove, move, a position in a sequence. (A sequence corresponds to a sequence of positions).
I can create a new project, and choose the architecture of the robot, and the number of motors. It will create the right number of spinners, and everything to control exactly the number of motors.
When I want to create a new sequence, i have 2 solutions:
- selecting the position of every motor with the spinners
-positioning manually the motors , and getting their positions (I will use the dynamixels)

I also created a panel to configure the motors, their max torque, min/max position, their mode, communication speed, and other options I can choose with dynamixels

As usually, I want to create an interface for many different architectures.
When I choose the architecture while I create a project, it will place the spinners to the right place, in order to correspond as much as possible to the robot.

Now, I still have to finish this part of the interface...
I know that the generated movements will not be "graceful", but I think I will develop some algorithms to go from one position to an other, given sensors, and the positions I decided...Some "semi-autonomous" dynamic walk...

An other interesting point is that I bought an USB2Dynamixel, and I checked, it works with Linux! I am going to use it , before creating my own device...

After all that things, or in the same time, I will make some experiments with an Atmel board, I met somebody during an exhibition, who agrees to give me a development kit during 6 months! The board will be based around one of the latest SAM...

lundi 3 décembre 2007

just a new shot of the interface, I have no time to explain everything I did, but maybe, in the next days, I will try to do it...

dimanche 11 novembre 2007

Hi! new post...
Next week, I have to present a thesis topic in front of my lab's members, so I had no time to develop....
However, since my interface is becoming "mature", I thought about next step.

I bought a servomotor from bioloid, I'm waiting for it now. I bought it because I wanna know what is possible to do with such a motor.
I also went to akihabara, to buy an AVR programmer, because I want to start the electronic part of the project (about sensors...).
Akihabara is a very good place, i spent about 1 hour before finding a good shop.
Moreover, it is not very expensive, maybe thanks to low taxes...(?)
I bought an AtMega32, with MAX232 to communicate with a computer.
This is mainly to make experiments with AVR. I already tried to program PIC, and I can say it is quite easier with AVR family. I use AVR-GCC to program in C, because I have no time to learn assembler language...
In 2 hours, i succeeded to set up every thing, and to load and execute a code (switching a led on and off...).
Next step is to communicate with my laptop by RS232 port. I hope it will be easy.
Oh! Since I had no power supply, i use a USB port to get the 5v. It can work because the consumption of AVR is very low...
So, next time, RS232!

I also thought about a global architecture for sensors, motors, ...
But this is for the next post^^

mercredi 7 novembre 2007

mardi 30 octobre 2007


now, i think I will write my blog in english, so that more people can understand.
If i have enough time, i will translate the first posts.
As a summary, I'm developing a embedded software for a robot, + an interface. The embedded software runs under RT Linux, Xenomai. And the interface is written in Java, for portability.
Both communicate with sockets. The photos you can see on the previous post represent my "robot". In fact, it can only move the head. I already tried to build a more complete robot, but it is too complicated, and I have no time. The most important for me is the software and the interface.
My goal is to create a new project about robotics. In fact, It's not only robotics, it's also domotic, but both are quite linked. My idea is to create a kind of interface between us and I know that the idea already exists. You can look for papero on the web, I got inspiration from this robot. Nevertheless, papero has a constant architecture, and is VERY expensive. But i think the idea is very interesting...
I build a robot like papero, because it was easy to do so, but I think the most important think is to create a common software for lots of different types of robots, and "patches" for specific use.
I fact, I also wanted to build this robot for a educational purpose, because I want to experiment with algorithms, especially vision-based algos.
I recently moved to Japan, so i had no time for developing, but now, I'm re-starting the project.
I choose Java for portability, because if people are interested in this kind of project, it's easier to share code source with java.

Now, I can't use my board, because i need a power supply, and there is none here...So i'm trying to improve the interface.
The two last steps were to create an alarm clock and a .ics reader for setting alarms when needed.
The phot represents the software, connected to the embedded program (which captures video flow, and process it + send it to the interface if needed)
(The resolution is quite low, because I have some display problems linked to my real-time kernel, because i build it for my former PC...)

If you are interested in this project, or even in only one of its aspect, contact me, i would be pleased to answer U.

samedi 22 septembre 2007

photos de la plateforme

Je profite de 5 minutes de libres pour poster des photos du robot sur lequelje travaille.
Les connaisseurs reconnaitront d'ou m'est venue l'idée...
Là, la plateforme est fonctionelle, 2 degrés de liberté pour la tete, ca suffit pour s'amuser...
Bon, j'avoue que le corps n'est pas tres esthétique, mais j'ai fait ca avec les moyens du bord...
Si certaines personnes peuvent me donner de bonnes adresses pour faire découper de l'alu, ca m'interesse...
Tout n'est pas "droit", ce que je voulais était une tete, et une structure pour accueillir les cartes.
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